Parrot Pet Guide: Beginners’ Best Picks

Parrot Pet Guide: Beginners' Best Picks

Parrots make fantastic pets for beginners due to their intelligence, personality, and ability to form strong bonds with their owners. However, choosing the correct parrot species is essential to a happy and successful pet ownership journey. This comprehensive guide explores the top considerations for choosing the best pet parrot for beginners, including ease of care, temperament, talking ability, cost, beauty, lifespan, intelligence, loyalty, behavior, breeding, habitat, and health issues.

5 Interesting Facts About Parrots

5 Interesting Facts About Parrots

  • Parrots are incredibly intelligent birds, capable of solving complex problems and mimicking human speech with remarkable accuracy.
  • These animals are visually striking due to their colorful plumage, which ranges in color from flaming reds and yellows to brilliant blues and greens.
  • Parrots form strong social bonds and exhibit complex social behaviors in the wild, often living in large flocks where they communicate through intricate vocalizations.
  • Some parrot species, like the African Grey Parrot, have demonstrated exceptional cognitive abilities, including understanding abstract concepts like counting and recognizing themselves in mirrors.
  • On their zygodactyl feet, parrots have two toes pointing forward and two looking backward. Thus, they are able to move objects precisely and with a strong grip.

Easiest Parrot to Have

The budgerigar, or the parakeet or budgie, is considered one of the easiest parrots to own and the greatest companion parrot for novices. They are relatively small, require less space than larger parrot species, and are generally more affordable. Budgies are known for their playful and social nature, readily bonding with their owners. They have a gentle disposition and are relatively easy to train, making them suitable for beginner bird owners. Furthermore, budgies provide company for a considerable amount of time because of their lengthy lifetime, which can reach 10 years or longer with adequate care.

Friendliest Parrot

Friendliest Parrot

The conure, particularly the Green-cheeked Conure, is often regarded as one of the best pet parrots for beginners. They are affectionate and outgoing and enjoy interacting with their owners. Conures thrive on attention and love to cuddle, making them ideal companions for those seeking a friendly bird. Their small to medium size makes them manageable for many households, and they are known for their playful demeanor. With proper socialization and training, conures can develop strong bonds with their owners and become cherished family members, consistently showcasing their friendly and personable nature throughout their lives.

Best for Home

For beginners, the budgerigar, or budgie, is often recommended as the best parrot for home environments. Budgies are small, easy to care for, and relatively low maintenance. They are friendly and adaptable and can bond closely with their owners, providing companionship without requiring extensive space or specialized care. 

Additionally, budgies are affordable and readily available, making them accessible to first-time bird owners. With proper attention, socialization, and a suitable environment, budgies can thrive in a home setting, making them an excellent choice for beginners looking to welcome a feathered friend.

Best at Talking

Best at Talking

The Indian Ringneck Parakeet is often considered one of the best pet parrots for beginners seeking a talking companion. They possess impressive vocal abilities and can mimic human speech with clarity. With patience and consistent training, Ringneck Parakeets can develop extensive vocabularies and even string together phrases. They are also relatively small, making them suitable for indoor living spaces. While individual talking abilities may vary, Ringneck Parakeets are renowned for their potential as engaging and entertaining pets, making them an excellent choice for beginners interested in a parrot that can vocalize and interact with them.

Cheapest Parrot

Cheapest Parrot

The budgerigar, commonly known as the budgie or parakeet, is often the cheapest parrot option for beginners. Budgies are widely available and relatively inexpensive compared to larger parrot species. Furthermore, their small size requires less food and room, which lowers recurring expenses. While budgies are affordable, they still make delightful companions with their playful personalities and ability to bond with their owners. Budgies are an appealing option for novices seeking an inexpensive introduction to pet birds because they may flourish in a household setting with the right care and attention.

Talk Fast

The Quaker Parrot stands out for beginners desiring a parrot with rapid speech capabilities. Also known as the Monk Parakeet, they possess remarkable vocal talents and can quickly pick up words and phrases. With consistent training and socialization, Quaker Parrots can develop extensive vocabulary and converse fluently. Their small to medium size makes them manageable for many households, and their playful demeanor adds to their charm. Quaker Parrots thrive on interaction and can form strong bonds with their owners. With their rapid speech abilities and engaging personalities, they offer the best pet parrot for beginners. 

Most Beautiful

Most Beautiful

For beginners seeking a visually stunning parrot, the Sun Conure is a top choice. With its vibrant plumage of yellows, oranges, and greens, the Sun Conure is a breathtaking beauty. Its playful and affectionate nature adds to its allure, making it a captivating companion. While they require attention and socialization, their medium-sized and manageable care needs suit novice bird owners. Sun Conures thrive on interaction and can form strong bonds with their owners. They are a great option for newcomers looking for companionship and beauty because they offer aesthetic beauty and a fun and interesting presence in the home.  

Lives the Longest

For beginners seeking a parrot with a long lifespan, the African Grey Parrot is a standout choice. They can live up to 50 to 60 years with proper care, providing decades of companionship. African Greys are renowned for their intelligence, gentle demeanor, and ability to mimic speech accurately. While they require mental stimulation and social interaction, their longevity makes them a rewarding investment for those committed to long-term pet ownership. Their loyal and affectionate nature and impressive lifespan make African Grey Parrots an excellent choice for beginners seeking a lifelong avian companion.

Smartest Parrot

Smartest Parrot

For beginners seeking a highly intelligent parrot, the African Grey Parrot is unrivaled. Renowned for their exceptional cognitive abilities, African Greys possess the intelligence of a young child. They can learn extensive vocabulary, solve complex puzzles, and even grasp abstract concepts. While their intelligence requires mental stimulation and social interaction, it fosters a deep bond with their owners. African Greys thrive on mental challenges and enjoy engaging with their human companions. Their remarkable intellect and gentle disposition make African Grey Parrots an ideal choice for beginners interested in the fascinating world of avian intelligence.

Good Pet

The budgerigar, or budgie, is an excellent choice for beginners seeking a friendly and adaptable pet parrot. Budgies are small, easy to care for, and known for their gentle disposition. They readily bond with their owners, enjoying interaction and companionship. Budgies are also affordable and widely available, making them accessible to novice bird enthusiasts. Their playful nature and ability to learn simple tricks enhance their appeal as pets. With proper care and attention, budgies can thrive in a home environment; the budgie is the best pet parrot for beginners.

Most Loyal Parrot

Most Loyal Parrot

For beginners seeking a loyal companion, the Cockatiel is an excellent choice. Cockatiels are renowned for being dedicated and loving pets to their owners. They enjoy connecting with their human friends and building close ties with them. With proper socialization and care, Cockatiels can become incredibly loyal pets, often displaying behaviors such as cuddling and seeking their owner’s attention. Their gentle demeanor and manageable size make them well-suited for novice bird owners. With their unwavering loyalty and affection, Cockatiels offers beginner bird enthusiasts a devoted feathered friend for years to come.

Key Factors Before Choosing the Best Pet Parrot for Beginners

Temperament and Behavior

Temperament and behavior are the key factors when seeking the best pet parrot for beginners. Parrots exhibit various temperaments and behaviors influenced by species, individual personality, and socialization. While some are outgoing and affectionate, others may be more reserved or aggressive. Socialization from a young age is crucial for developing positive behaviors. 

Parrots thrive on interaction and mental stimulation, requiring regular attention and enrichment to prevent boredom and behavioral issues. They can form strong bonds with their owners, displaying loyalty and affection. However, they may also exhibit territorial or possessive behaviors. A happy and satisfying relationship requires that you comprehend and accommodate the demands and temperament of a parrot.


Parrot breeding requires careful consideration of species compatibility, health, and welfare. Responsible breeders prioritize genetic diversity, avoiding inbreeding to maintain healthy populations. Breeding pairs need suitable nesting spaces and a balanced diet to reproduce successfully. 

Ethical breeding practices prioritize the well-being of both parent birds and offspring, providing adequate care and socialization. Breeding parrots for profit should not compromise welfare standards. Additionally, education on the responsibilities of parrot ownership and proper care is essential to prevent overbreeding and reduce the number of birds surrendered to shelters.


Parrots inhabit diverse habitats worldwide, including tropical rainforests, savannas, and deserts. They often reside in tree hollows or nests constructed from twigs and leaves. Habitats vary depending on species; some prefer dense forests, while others thrive in open grasslands. 

Due to their remarkable degree of adaptability, parrots can be found in cities. Food sources like fruits, seeds, and nuts are abundant in their native habitats and are vital to their diets. The wild parrot populations are seriously threatened by human activities like habitat degradation and deforestation, which emphasizes the significance of conservation efforts to protect their varied habitats for coming generations.

Health Issues

Health Issues

Health is one key factor to consider while looking for the best pet parrot for beginners. Parrot health problems might include feather plucking, respiratory infections, and nutritional deficits. Common ailments like psittacosis and polyomavirus can affect their respiratory and immune systems. Obesity and fatty liver disease can result from improper diet and lack of exercise. 

They need a clean habitat, a balanced diet, and routine veterinary checkups to keep them healthy. Additionally, providing mental stimulation and social interaction helps prevent behavioral problems. To protect the health of their feathered friends, owners need to be on the lookout for symptoms of sickness, such as behavioral or dietary changes, and take quick action to get them veterinary attention.


Selecting the best pet parrot for beginners involves considering factors such as ease of care, temperament, talking ability, cost, beauty, lifespan, intelligence, loyalty, behavior, breeding, habitat, and health issues. By choosing a parrot species that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences and providing proper care, socialization, and enrichment, you can enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling relationship with your avian companion for years.


How Do I Choose a Pet Parrot?

When choosing a pet parrot, consider species traits, size, lifespan, and care requirements. Research breeds to find one compatible with your lifestyle and commitment level. Visit reputable breeders or adoption centers to observe birds and choose one with a compatible personality.

Do Parrots Like Owners?

Indeed, parrots and their owners can develop close relationships. They take pleasure in company, engagement, and attention. Building trust through positive reinforcement and spending quality time together fosters a loving relationship between parrots and their owners.

Can Parrots Get Jealous?

Parrots can feel jealousy, especially in response to attention given to other pets or people. They may exhibit behaviors like screaming, biting, or acting out when they feel their bond with their owner is threatened.

Do Parrots Get Sad?

Yes, parrots can experience sadness. Factors like lack of social interaction, boredom, or environmental changes can affect their emotional state. Providing companionship, mental stimulation, and a consistent routine can help alleviate sadness in parrots.

What Is Unique About a Parrot?

Parrots are unique for their exceptional intelligence, vibrant plumage, ability to mimic human speech and complex social behaviors. Their zygodactyl feet, which have two forward-facing and two backward-facing toes, allow them to grab objects precisely.


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